What people are saying . . .

“MoCap U was, to put it mildly, a mind blowing training course in the art of Motion Capture. This wasn’t just an acting course, this was designed perfectly to teach you the essential skills to get work and continue to work in the field of video games. I’ve done hundreds of hours of Animation, Film and TV and barely any of that experience was applicable to this medium.  This course showed how much technical skill is needed to perform in MoCap.  My brain still hurts (in a good way) from absorbing and learning some of the basic techniques taught.  I wish I had taken this course before I submitted my last video game audition! This feels like one of the best training experiences I’ve ever invested in, in my career.”
— Cory Doran

“Our clients were over the moon with their 3 days at Mocap U.  I have never had an actor, let alone all three in the same workshop immediately message me to tell me how incredible the training was and how much they learned.”
— Roberta Romano, Voice Agent, Element Artists

“MOCAPU was an invaluable experience for me. The days were jam-packed with tips and training for video game voiceover and motion capture. Ivan, Kim and Amber gave us the ins and outs for auditions as well as days on set. Their passion for the art inspired me and I wanted to give it my all! I'd recommend this program to anybody. With only 10 people in class, you get the most out of the teachings and everyone gets equal time to play and explore.”
— Ana Sani

“A truly unforgettable experience. I left my three days at MoCap U armed with the training, knowledge and confidence to take on the ever-growing world of the video game industry. An absolute must for anyone hoping to get their foot in the door.”
— Zachary Bennett

“The MoCapU 3-day Workshop was nothing short of incredible.  The information that was shared by Ivan, Amber, and Kim was invaluable and actionable.  The physical and mental challenges were unexpected but rewarding.  I felt like my brain was going to explode, in the best way possible!  Having worked on video games before, I thought I understood the genre.  My goodness, did I have so much to learn!  I am excited to take this new skill set and apply it to my auditions and jobs moving forward.  Thank you to everyone involved in MoCapU for an unparalleled learning experience.
— Eli Katz

“Anyone I ever talked to about MoCapU said it was the best, and let me tell you: it is!!!! Incredible training, incredible value, and incredibly fun. You learn from experts in the field who offer their knowledge so generously and instill you with confidence, network with industry professionals, and walk away with awesome looking demo material. All while having a great time!! I feel truly equipped now to put together great gaming auditions, and have the skills to understand the tech and perform successfully in the volume on the day. This is absolutely the course for you if you're interested in learning more about MoCap and V/O for games!!”
— Katie Ryerson

Exhilarating. Challenging. Priceless. To say that you will be exhausted is putting it mildly, however when you look back at the end of those three days, you can't help but be amazed and fortunate at what you have experienced. It's transformative! Whatever you think going into this workshop, you will have your mind opened to so much more than you were expecting. Each day is hands-on and with a small group you really work together. It is such an immense amount of knowledge which flows so wonderfully in the way each day is laid out, building on one another, then culminating into an exhilarating day in the Volume. You will grow in many ways as a performer, it will challenge many things you think you know about yourself and that is the best part. You take everything you have learned and experienced to focus on those aspects of yourself which you have discovered, to take yourself to the next level. They want you to be your best and succeed, by giving you the tools to do it. Set yourself up for success, learn what it takes and consider this an investment in yourself. All the knowledge, materials you get from your sessions and the priceless advice from Ivan Sherry, Amber Goldfarb, and Kim Hurdon, put you in such a great position to continue your journey towards a great career.”
— Angelica Alejandro

“I can't recommend this course enough. It's a fast paced jam packed 3 days of awesome. It's led by professionals who give real-life advice on how to break into this growing industry and not only does it give you a ton of knowledge and new skills practice but it also gives you the opportunity to walk away with material for a demo reel! 100% worth the money.  I felt like they truly wanted us all to succeed and walk away with the confidence to stand out above the rest. Thank you!”
— Freya Ravensbergen

“Do you want to work in video games? Then this course should be your first priority! The teachers are knowledgeable and experienced, the material is up to date and practical, the training is beyond comparison, and the price for what you get is exceedingly reasonable. This course as a whole is phenomenal, regardless of your video game experience.”
— Luke Marty

“I think this workshop such an incredible opportunity to learn. Ivan, Carlo, and Colin bring such a high-energy, exciting three day workshop, that could honestly be turned into an entire week. There's so much to learn, I recommend this for every actor who is considering motion capture work. Also, plan nothing else around the workshop. They are long days! Go home, do some food prep, and get some sleep. ;)”
— Erin Eldershaw

“The experience, knowledge, and fun you have during this intensive is so invaluable!  Ivan, Kim, and Amber were so professional and insightful in introducing the world of motion capture and video games in the lens of an actor. If you want to have fun and feel like a kid in a sandbox when you act, I think this intensive is the first step to that!”
— Joel Koshy

This course is a must if you want to get into the videogame world. [It] is well-organized and taught by amazing industry professionals. I really enjoyed the three-day set up. It gave time for plenty of questions and hands on experience. In my opinion, this course doesn't cost enough for the experience you get. We got 9 hours in a sound studio and 9 hours mocap studio plus rehearsal time which is ridiculously amazing! I also really liked the unofficial q&a period at the bar after the course.”
— Tavia Pereira

“I want to again thank you for a phenomenal workshop. PHENOMENAL. This was hands on experience that I could not have had otherwise as I try to break into the video game world.
I was so incredibly impressed with how much time we were each given in the sound booth as well as at the studio to work and record our scenes.

What really stood out to me was how you both were so invested in our work. Not to see that we were doing “ok” - but to ensure we were doing our absolute best work. You really cared that we would leave the workshop with everything we needed to start out in the right foot! This was so genuine and it was felt, observed, and appreciated.
I cannot thank you enough. I feel incredibly lucky to have been chosen for this specialized training and to have met and worked with you both.”
— Vanessa Burns

“What an absolutely amazing experience! I can't thank you guys enough for putting this workshop together and giving us such a rich and in-depth look into what this world is! 
I know I keep saying this but the sense of play and excitement and emotion that's used in the volume is the same thing we do in improv - all the imagination and commitment goes so far. I was very much living out my nerd dream and really got to test what I could do, so thank you again for allowing me this opportunity! I almost DON'T want to tell anyone else to do this workshop....cuz I don't want someone else possible taking this job away from me!!

It was so beneficial to see my rig and what you can do in those suits. Knowing what I could bring to "puppeteer" that thing was SUCH a sweet treat to watch come alive, and it only gives me more ideas of what I can do and how I can use my body and those little nuances to make any character”
— Kris Siddiqi

“Thank you Ivan for all your insight and the incredible team you've put together for this workshop. Seriously mind-blowing! This workshop is worth every penny and more, its mind-blowing, fun, exhilarating and exhausting in the best way.  I walked away invigorated and inspired.”
— Julia Juhas

“I'm so excited to use this skillset in my career and learn more. Your workshop has made me feel knowledgable, prepared, and confident in my pursuit of work in this thriving industry. I feel inspired and excited!
— Phil Luzi

I had the best time working on MOCAP with Ivan and Carlo. They were so encouraging throughout the process and created a fun and safe place to create. They offered not just the work, but a positive and uplifting environment to take risks and create.”
— Kat Khan

“I cannot begin to explain how lucky I was to be able to partake in MocapU. The amount of info that is loaded into the 3 days makes the price of the course a steal. Ivan and his team are brilliant instructors and are very rooted in Canada's Mocap scene making it a great place to make connections. After traveling across North America for any Mocap course I could get my hands on, this is by far the best. I would take the workshop again in a heartbeat.”
— Robbie Graham-Kuntz

“MocapU introduces and prepares you for this type of work thanks to the tutelage of Ivan Sherry, Amber Goldfarb, and Kim Hurdon. My dream of being a professional mocap artist is that much closer thanks to these three for teaching me the necessary techniques, and pushing me to be a better actor.”
— Julius Cho

“MOCAPU is an excellent workshop - just the right amount of challenging and fun. Ivan and Simon were very considerate with casting and working WITH you as an actor, not imposing something ONTO you. This point of view leads to further learning how to play to your strengths. It's a whirlwind of learning: they truly pack so much information into such a short amount of time! I finished this workshop feeling very prepared to step into my next Ubisoft audition, armed with the tools and knowledge I need to help me nail it. Most of all, there was lots of joy and space to make mistakes.”
— Christina Fox

The MoCapU experience is like no other I’ve had. The real world training that I received over the weekend was invaluable and worth every penny. Carlo, Colin and Ivan put me to the test with every moment in the booth, and every movement in the Volume. Even when I wasn’t in the scene, I was asked to participate; always thinking about what I would do in the scene, what didn’t work and why. Carlo would let us work the scene multiple times, making mistakes, learning from them and making sure we understood what was expected, getting as close to a performance that would be used in the game as we could in the moment. But with the understanding that in a real world situation this luxury wasn’t there and you need to get there faster, or you may be replaced. It’s not for the faint of heart; I was tested, I was told it wasn’t good enough, and I was encouraged to grow and inspired to be a better performer than I was when I went in. There can be no ego in the volume cause there is no time, PLUS you’re wearing tight pajamas so there’s nowhere to hide. I only hope that in the future there’s a follow-up class for those of us who have already taken it to work more on this. I would take the course again in a heartbeat! This is not stuff you want to be learning on the job; it’s intense and this class will get you ready to go do it or show you what you need to work on before you do.”
— Ian Ronningen